Visual Analytics Project

Visual Analytics Project: Poster

Poster for the project work for this course.

Visual Analytics Project: Shiny Application

The Shiny application developed for the project work for this course.

Visual Analytics Project: User Guide

User Guide for the Shiny application.

Visual Analytics Project Submission

Submission for the project work for this course.

Visual Analytics Project: Research Paper

Research paper for the project work for this course.

Assignment - Andy Wong

This assignment is about the text and sentiment analysis module of the visual analytics project.

Assignment - Jason Tey

This post presents a literature review, recommendations, and prototype of proposed sub-modules to fill existing gaps in analytical tools by enhancing user experience using a web-based application. This assignment is part of a broader project that aims to develop the web-based Shiny application. This post constitutes part of the assessment for credit towards the Singapore Management Univerisity module ISSS608 Visual Analytics and Application, AY2020/2021 Term 2.

Visual Analytics Project: Proposal

Proposal for the project work for this course.

Assignment - Louelle Teo

ISSS608 Assignment - Louelle Teo

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Visual Analytics Project